This is a bit late for a "new years" post, but well sometimes that's just how I roll. I started this blog a year ago. My intention was to simply chronicle my journey as a newly single mom in private. I wrote for a few months before I ever had the courage to tell anyone that this blog even existed.
Me and my best friends on my wedding day. . .this one resurfaced during Unravelling. At the time it was painful to look at, now I see it as a part of my journey. I can look at it and smile...I danced my ass off that night ;0)!!
I began 2011 by taking an e-course that a friend suggested would help me in my self discovery. The course was Unravelling. Little did I know that it would only be the first in many e-courses to come, but it was by far the most life changing.
My word for 2011 was "be". Susannah's Unravelling course opened up this whole world of people to be who have helped me to "just be". I had no idea that choosing one little word would have such an impact on me. Learning to be present in the moment, to have gratitude for my blessings, and knowing that I was right were I was supposed to be each step of the way has been a priceless gift. I know that my word will stay with me much longer than the span of the year it was "my word".
One of my many vision boards created ... I'll admit I thought they were totally pointless. Looking at this now I tear up a bit ...everything in this picture has come to fruition for me.
I have chosen a new word for 2012 . . trust. It took me a while to figure this one out. The word "balance" was very attractive to me for a while. It seemed to fit, but I think that it was me staying in my box. On New Years Eve I was wrestling with the voices . . .you know the ones . . ."the other shoe will drop", "you are happy now, but something will happen to take it all away". I was completely aware that these voices were keeing me from "being" in the moment. So my new word came to me . . .trust. Trust that God has a plan for you and this just might be it. Trust that you deserve to be happy. Trust that people CAN show you love without alterior motives. Trust that you are worth every ounce of love and happiness that you experience. This "trust" thing is VERY hard for me which is why I decided it had to be my word for 2012.
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and lean not into your own understanding.In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your paths."
-Proverbs 3:5-6
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