I have always heard the phrase "it takes a village" and I never really thought much about it until I became a single mother. Looking back I have always relied on the help of others to help raise my children, but I didn't truly understand this at the time.
My first year teaching I received a Mother's Day card from one of the boys in my classroom. Inside the card was a note from his mother, "Thank you for helping to raise my son. You get to spend 8 hours a day with him during the week. It is so much more than the few hours I have with him each day. I am so blessed to have you in his life." I was floored. I never thought about the amount of time that I had been gifted to "help raise" her son. That card changed the way I thought of each of my students. This precious time I had with them was so important.
Now I have my own children, and I call on many people in my life both family and friends to help me. I get overwhelmed often, but I always know there is someone I can call for help. I also remember to let the people in my children's life know how much I appreciate them esp. their teachers. I try to write a meaningful card to each of them every Mother's Day.
I write all of this because last night as I was "I can't do . . ." "I'll never . . ." and "If I do succeed I'll never be able to keep it up", a voice came "It takes a village". Never before had I thought of applying it to myself. I thought of all the people I interact with daily that give me so much light and love. They ARE my village . . DUH!!!
My mind was racing. It was thinking of the fortune cookie game. You know the one where you add "in bed" to the end of everyone's fortune and you laugh out loud hysterically. Yes, that one. I was repeating all the things I had just said to myself except I added "alone". For instance, "I will never lose this weight . . alone." BINGO . . .let's try another. "If I lose the weight I will never keep it off . . .alone!"
I need a village too. I have a village. With my village I can DO ANYTHING!! HUZZAH!
Yes you can!! You are not alone!!
Posted by: Jen G | 04/30/2011 at 04:58 PM
Gorgeous self portrait!
Thank you for illuminating the role our children's teachers play in their lives. Of course they do! No wonder we have memories of beloved teachers in our lives - they help shape us into the people continue to become. So, so important. As are grandparents, uncles and aunts, cousins, neighbours, afterschool activity coordinators and coaches - it's a village all right. We are never alone even when we think we are.
You're so right - we don't have to do anything alone. Our family, our friends, our network of acquaintances - it's all the help right there for the asking. I've always tried to lose weight alone - thinking that it was my shame to be isolated from everyone until I was 'done'. It never worked, it never works, I was never done.
My sister and my cousin and I have started (well it starts tomorrow, being a Monday and all :) a 70 day challenge *together*. There are no rules just the support of holding each others hand while we shed a few kilos.
It feels awesome! I wonder if we're going to be competitive; I wonder if the support and commerardary will make a difference; I know the laughing with each other has to be way better than struggling alone.
Really, really great blog post. Thanks Jenn!
Posted by: Michelle/Jamjar | 04/30/2011 at 08:03 PM
You ROCK girlfriend! I love, love, love your self-portrait! Amen for villages in whichever format they show up in our lives. Mine happens to be through baseball (little-league) - which is so funny to me given that I never played sports growing up, but these people really are my community! Happy Sunny Sunday . . . xo
Posted by: West of Whimsy | 05/01/2011 at 08:42 AM
You can and you will. I have faith in you. :) xoxo
Posted by: Celina Wyss | 05/02/2011 at 07:23 PM