Today I got a new pair of running shoes. I am not sure that anyone has been so excited about a pair of sneakers before that they blogged about it. But my inner critic is telling me "Why would anyone want to read about your shoes?" So just to show my critic who is running the show I am going to post pictures and tell you why I love them so much.
I love shoes. I.LOVE.SHOES. Pumps, flip-flops, ballet flats, boots, slippers . . .I love them all. The last couple of years I have had to part with my heels and my beloved flops. I can't wear shoes that don't have enough support.
For me, shoes have always been an accessory rather than a means of support. I often gave up comfort for the sake of a pretty pair of pumps.
My younger brothers love shoes more than I do. However, they are obsessed with sneakers. I am certain they have more shoes in their closets than I do.
I often make fun of them for their crazy choices, and how they could spend so much money on sneakers was beyond me. Jimmy Choos . . .now THAT I can understand.
I heard about how comfortable Nike's Free running shoes were, and my youngest brother suggested I make my own pair on-line. Once again the whole idea seemed quite silly. But I checked it out, and actually had fun creating my shoes. I did not purchase the shoes, I let them sit nice and cozy on-line in the shopping cart.
After another discussion with my brother about his favorite new pair I learned that you can put your own short message on the back.
And so my shoes were born . . my special sneakers with my word for 2011 on the back . I ordered them, and almost 2 months later they arrived. I love them. I love that I created them. I even picked a set of laces that are hot pink for when the teenager or little girl in me wants to come out and play.
Those are awesome!!
Posted by: Jennifer Glover | 04/14/2011 at 07:56 PM
What a great idea! I love that you wrote about your shoes and hushed that inner critic at the same time. While running is a great time to "just be."
Posted by: Kim | 04/17/2011 at 06:28 AM
Hi Jenn! Thanks for your post on my blog...that was DAYS if not WEEKS ago now! I'm laughing too now that I've seen your blog!! :) I'm loving what you have here, and I think it's awesome that you're taking matters into your own hands with that pesky inner critic! I'm so excited to be a part of Playing Big with you! Here's to a big journey together!
P.S. I love shoes too!!! :)
Posted by: Jennifer Levin | 04/19/2011 at 09:39 AM