Yesterday I was reading an interesting article about the Rapture. Now normally I would not have even opened the article, but Michelle Vargas had posted it on her tumblr site. And since I regulary want to reach through the interweb and squeeze her with a great big hug because she either makes me laugh, makes me think, or is just so plain courageous that you can't help but love her . . .I decided I'd read this one. And of course I liked it because I love articles that give you a different perspective.
It got me thinking of people in times of desperation. What does desperation feel like? What does it feel like to you?
If you asked me in a casual conversation if I normally feel desperate I would say no. But if I was truly honest the answer would be yes. It's not that I would intentionally be lying, but I just don't think of myself as desperate. So once again I turn to . . .I think I may be a bit obessed with the formal meaning of words after reading Brene Brown's "The Gift of Imperfections".
des·per·ate –adjective
This morning I was charging my Nook for my trip, and I realized that I had so many books in it that I need to add to my Unread Library. I thought "Why do I have so many books? There is no way I will ever read ALL of these" . . DING-DONG . . .desperation. This past year I have has such an urgent need to fix, to find the answer, to be inspired, to find my path out of the darkness that my divorce has brought.
“Desperation is sometimes as powerful an inspirer as genius.”
-Benjamin Disraeli
That's a very good question Jenn - I'm going to sit here and have a wee think about that.
If I don't get a chance to wish you good travels before you get going on them - bon voyage and have a great time.
Posted by: Michelle/Jamjar | 05/23/2011 at 05:57 AM
I've read the Shutters Sister book and well The Gifts of Imperfection is one on my favourite books ever!!! I can't wait to hear your thoughts of it.
Have you read A New Earth?
Posted by: Belinda | 05/24/2011 at 11:34 PM