I've been on a blog hiatus this summer. Frankly I've been having too much fun just living my life. When I returned from Greece I came home with a renewed sense of joy for life, and the knowledge that I had a lot more living to do.
When I look back at this past year I see it as the labor of my birth. I had to walk through the pain, and I did just that . . .I walked into it head on. I am so grateful for all the people God has put in my life to help me keep putting one foot in front of the other. Some of you I am blessed to see daily and some of you I have yet to meet, but each one of you has blessed my life in a way I could never imagine.
Boys on family vacation to Jumby Bay
I feel alive for the first time in a VERY long time. I didn't realize how shut down and isolated I had become. Living in fear became my norm, and I didn't even know it. I can now live life without the protective shield to keep the bad away, and it has helped me to let the love in. It has allowed me to forgive others and most importantly myself. I am learning that when I keep my walls up to other people, the walls are keeping me out too.
Excitement on the first day of school!!
I can now embrace the journey, and I pray that I allow myself to enjoy the ride. I am so grateful to be able to enjoy this moment, this bliss. Knowing that life will bring more hardships does not keep me from enjoying this moment. For me this most important thing is remembering that I am not on this journey alone. I have faith that if I continue to reach out, open my heart and let the love in that this amazing journey will never end.
“Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure.”
-Oprah Winfrey
Yaaay - happy to see you back. Looking forward to reading more. I've been a delinquent blogger this month, going to catch up now . . . :)
Posted by: West of Whimsy | 09/01/2011 at 06:51 PM